Horrible, horrible, HORRIBLE Dream
Arrgh. I'm just awake, the coffee's perking, and seeing the bugs clinging to the window screens is reminding me of the dream I had last night. I can't believe I didn't wake up freaking out ... ugh.
What is this dream, you ask? Well, we were living in a house, and the house had some sort of infestation issue, and we called an exterminator, who recommended a natural solution--a two-foot tall spider. Basically, we were to let the spider have the roam of the house, and it would consume the other pests. Bear in mind that this was not any sort of electronic or robotic spider. It was a fully organic, live, HUGE spider. So I'd be reading in bed, or typing in the office, and see a shadow come stalking by ... just UGH!
Now, of course IRL no one would stand for such a scenario. But this was a dream, and we were fully used to living with the spider and cleaning up its victims and whatnot, until my mother came by for a visit and took us out for lunch. When we came home, we found the spider locked in mortal combat with a giant slug. The spider was losing. We fled the house.
So ... yeah. When my future kids come to me and tell me they want a tarantula as a pet, I'll be pointing them straight to this blog.
Need coffee.